Medical Student Societies
With more than 200 societies registered with the Liverpool Guild of Students each year, there is a society for every interest! And so many of them are run by student doctors who share your same passions and interests.
Read more about groups and societies led by student doctors on the University website.
Submitting an event
If you are a Student Doctor, Society or Group that has an event you would like to advertise please contact the Student Engagement team at who can assist with promoting your event via the student bulletin and social channels.
Online appoinments are available.
Student Doctors are invited to make an appointment with the Welfare and Support for Studies Team, LTSOs and the E-Portfolio Administration Leads.
Make an appointment
Careers appointments can be booked with the School Careers Advisor via the University Careers Handshake site.
Study spaces are available to book.
G25 Anatomy Learning Zone
Meeting rooms are available to book.
G24 Society Meeting Room
G15 Formby Room
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